A / V Team

Our A/V team is an important part to our service. With added responsibilities since the start of COVID, there is more opportunity now than ever to be involved with the soundboard and tech side of our church. 

Too Scared??

Sound equipment and technology can seem overwhelming to anyone who is just getting started. You may be interested but afraid that you are going to mess things up or do something wrong to mess up a whole service. This is a common fear that all of us have had, so we completely understand. Our goal is to walk every step of the way as we train new members how to run all of our equipment and will never leave you alone until you are completely confident, and even then, we have more than one person in the soundbooth every Sunday.   

A / V Schedule

Here is our schedule for our team to see when they are scheduled to be in the soundbooth

Interested?? Fill out the Form