
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

We take very seriously the great commission, therefore, missions is an important part of our family here at CCFW. We know we cannot be part of every work the Lord is doing, but where the Lord leads us to support we want to be obedient to that call. We also believe that missions is not just a financial investment, but also a relational investment. We strive to stay connected with our missions that we support by sending a team to visit the country/area of our specific missions every other year. 

Active Mission We Support


Slava and his team have had the call to reach the people of Belarus. Along with Pastor Serge, their heart is for planting churches in areas that need a fellowship. They have several church plants already as well as small home groups that meet together on a weekly basis


Pastor Igor heads up a team of native missionaries to reach the people of Eastern Ukraine. Their area has been war torn for over half a decade, yet the Lord continues to use this team to reach people of all ages. They have kids' programs, nursing home visits, and home Bible studies as they reach a group of people who desperately need the hope of Jesus Christ



Pastor Saji helps to train pastors and those who want to reach their country with the gospel. 
Pastor Kenneth has a heart to reach his people with Jesus Christ. He has started a school that specifically reaches out to Muslim families and has a church that reaches out to the orphans and widows on a daily basis. 

Local Missions

Apple  Blossom Parade Outreach

A family from our church decided to start handing out water bottles with a gospel message to those attending the Apple Blossom Grand Parade. Since then, every year we have taken on the opportunity to sit down and label the water bottles with a gospel message and hand them out during the grand parade. 

Radio Station- CSN International

CSN International is broadcast on 89.5 FM Radio here in the Wenatchee Valley. With wonderful Bible teachers like Dr. David Jeremiah, Jon Coursen and even J. Vernon McGee, you will find a diverse and thorough teaching of God's Word. 

Youth Dynamics

We help support our dear sister Maria Kavalski as she serves at Youth Dynamics camp outside Leavenworth, WA. For more info about their ministry and opportunities, click on "Learn More". 

Encourage our active missionaries

Write and encouragement, question, or prayer and we'll connect you via email.